Jim Duke Perspective

Scientists Again Warn of Global Cooling in the Climate Change Hoax



We were warned in the 1970s of a Global cooling that would ice over the world in 10 years if action wasn't taken. Then it was switched to a Global Warming that warned the earth would heat over. Finally after several ups and downs, they simplified it to Climate Change. Now back to Global Cooling? I'm beginning to think there is an agenda here.Sources:http://yournewswire.com/scientists-britain-ice-age/http://rightwingnews.com/environment/global-warming-data-faked-by-noaa-no-global-warming-since-the-thirties/http://climaterealists.com/?id=8355http://www.globalresearch.ca/copenhagen-and-global-warming-ten-facts-and-ten-myths-on-climate-change/16467