Jim Duke Perspective

U.S. Domestic Terrorism - MKUltra, NSA, FEMA Camps | Guest Craig Peterson



Craig Peterson Jr. author of "Global Bully" joins me again this time to talk about domestic terrorism the United States Government conducts on its own people. MKUltra program, PRISM, NSA Spying, and FEMA Camps. Will the next major emergency implement Martial Law?Corrections:In the episode I couldn't remember the soldier's name who was court-martialed for refusing to wear the UN blue beret. It was Michael New.The O.S.S. was in fact an early agency of Intel for the United States. It may have been influenced by British or Nazi intelligence, but was U.S. precursor to the CIA.Also I mentioned Von Braun as one forerunner of Mind Control. But the significant programming developer was Josef Mengele, known as the "Angel of Death" aka Dr. Green.The first part of this interview can be listened to here https://www.spreaker.com/user/jimdukeperspective/proof-america-acts-like-a-global-bully-wCraig can be found at http://the global bully.com