The Tranquility Tribe Podcast

Ep. 201: Boob Proof Your Birth Plan with Andrea Haskins



HeHe interviews Andrea Haskins of Instinctual Mothering. Andrea is a mom of two and a breastfeeding peer counselor and lactation counselor (certified with Childbirth International) with a focus on mother-baby-led intuitive parenting. She believes parents have been led astray by the modern medical-industrial system and the multitude of opinions and information available and have dampened the ability to mother biologically and instinctually. Andreas mission is to encourage mothers to take back that instinctual power in order to be less dependent on the systems that took away their authority. Follow along with Andrea to Boob Proof Your Birth Plan: Website Instagram Boob Proof your Birth Plan   SAVE with this link to the Empowered Breastfeeding Academy: Empowered Breastfeeding Academy   *Get informed on interventions that could derail your breastfeeding success.   *Info about every intervention that may have an effect on breastfeeding- including after birth!   *Suggestions on what to do if you DO have the inter