Mental Note: Journeys Of Health And Recovery

Suicide Prevention with Hope for the Day



Suicide is one of those words that stops us in our tracks. Often, we treat it tenderly — acting like saying it too loudly will inspire someone to do something awful. But the truth is that not talking about suicide is what actually increases the chance a person with suicidal thoughts will act on them.  So how do you have such a loaded conversation? Well, it helps to get advice from people who’ve been there before. September is Suicide Prevention Month and in recognition of that goal, we reached out to the experts on dialoguing about difficult mental health topics - an organization called Hope for the Day. Hope for the Day is a non-profit movement empowering conversations on proactive suicide prevention and mental health education. While based in Chicago, their resources are global. Their whole approach focuses on peer-to-peer led conversations that are guided by clinical oversight. It’s incredibly effective. So today, I’ll speak with five members of their team about tools, programs, and mindsets that can help