Lens Of Liberty

Courageous Cupcakes



Katherine faced a difficult battle with cancer, and decided to do what she lovedmost, baking cupcakes. She and her sister set up a food truck called “Cupcakes forCourage,” and were doing well, until the heavy hand of the law swooped in. TheCity of Chicago prohibits food trucks within 200 feet of any restaurant, and in thatneighborhood it means 97 percent of all streets are off limits. These gutsy galslooked through the lens of liberty, and fought the City’s attempt to protectfavored businesses against competition. Courts sided with the City, but Katherinegets the last laugh. Her baked goods sell so well, she now has 2 food trucks and 2stores. The fight against government chipping away our freedom is needed in everytown and neighborhood – including yours. Let’s join that fight.