Opinionated Stance | Technology, Business, Life Podcast | Hosted By Patrick Farrar

Episode 6 - Discovering Passion and Turning It Into Action - Nirav Amin



In Episode 6 - Discovering Passion and Turning It Into Action, we explore what it means to find passion in life and how to turn that passion into action. My discussion with Nirav Amin (@ndamin) explores the ways and paths that we took to discover our true passions in life and what we do daily to keep living those dreams in action. We investigate some of the paths that we went down that may have been detrimental to experiencing full joy in our personal and professional lives. We also highlights the topic of community and how developing a strong community will always help through difficult times. Nirav highlights some great efforts made by people in the Chicago startup community and other startup communities around the country who have turned passion into action. We also talk about how to get involved in a local community. Inaction is the main excuse from joining a community and beginning to live a passion filled life. It is also so fitting that Gary Vaynerchuk talks about a very similar topic in his DAILYVEE s