Zalaina Carp

United Distorted Discrimination



We can NOT expect an INCOMPETENT system of men with MALE EGO$ DE$ire$ making decision we know better than that. Men are motivated by capitalizing HE is moved by a woman or man that boast$ his EGO... That is NOT LEADERSHIP its directive and anyone can PLAY DIRECTOR it does not make the firm a hit or money maker....Facts are not as important to an individual that see himself as judge and jury that perceives his way to be right....when it NEVER has been...if it did not work it old country in Great Britain why are we still fallen to some sinister king "ness that lacks any GREATNESS! WOMEN these are our children our brothers fathers husbands and sons why are we sitting down no longer knitting, as our world falls apart..WHY because your hate for me out weighs YOUR ability to understand you have been surviving off OTHERS people property since the WARS due to Anglo influx in the AMERICAS.... How can a Debilitated distorted discriminator gonna redress his harms to YOU why would she payattention to YOUR grievances if Y