Anne Ortelee Weekly Weather Astrology

Anne Ortelee's September 25, 2022 Weekly Weather



The new Moon in Libra is ruled by Mercury retrograde through Venus in Virgo.  it is positive and strong energy of competency involved with the new Moon.   Mercury turns direct at the end of the week.  As it slows down, we receive important Mercury trines Pluto for the second of three times. Venus trines Pluto and pushes forward with her building plan. Talk to ghosts that appear in your life ~ even in your dreams!  There are a few hammers of Thor this week that make things happen!  To a hammer, everything looks like a nail. If you see it coming, duck. If you swing it ~ do so with caution as Jupiter amplifies the Hammer.  Act in a direct, straightforward way.  Lots of activity organizing, removing and releasing. Make plans. Revise plans. Ghosts appear! People from the past approach about new projects.   With Venus now in Virgo, Mercury is the boss of the sky! He's dotting the i's and crossing the t's.  Mars in Gemini is answering to instructions Mercury retrograde. Mars is in Gemini for 8 mo