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AP 019: Matt Davis || Speaking Up Against Stigmas



"Consider yourself a failure, and consider yourself in very good company [of people] who have done the same. But the difference between them and everyone else is that they learned from that failure and kept on going, one foot in front of the other."   Matt calls himself a "regular guy," but I'm telling you he is anything but. What makes him this way for me is his resilience and his refusal to play victim to the long fight he has had with anxiety and depression, as well as the huge trials he and his family have faced.  Matt talks about how for him anxiety started in high school and robbed him of important experiences and even friendships. For a long time, he feared that he would have to live life only minimally, just to get by. Six months after his depression and anxiety forced an early return from his LDS mission, Matt's father took his own life after suffering in silence with the same issues as Matt. This devastating time shifted Matt's mindset about how to deal with mental illness, namely by using the power