About Progress

AP 001: Heather Fujikawa ll Choosing to live joyfully and productively amidst years of health struggles and infertility



I know I could not ask for a better person to be my first guest of my podcast. If you know Heather Fujikawa, then you love, love, love her. Pure and simple.    Everything Heather touches is made golden! Alongside her twin sister, Heidi, Heather is a successful entrepreneur, writer, and interior designer. With her built-in-business-partner, Heather created an incredible jewelry business (True Birds), published a beautiful children's book (Fairy Birds), and is now officially delving into her interior design business and online shop. Heather is always working on something, including herself! Right now, she is also working on adding twin brothers for her toddler son.   Heather is loving, genuine, joyful, and encouraging. She is a champion for all those around her. Behind this cheery disposition though, was a purposeful decision Heather made to choose happiness amidst the many health struggles she faced the past ten years, including thyroid cancer and six years of infertility. These burden-filled years taught her