Swing-trading With Ryan Mallory

You've Been Screwed



You might be getting $1200 from Uncle Sam but what has unfolded over the last couple weeks means you've been royally screwed by the federal government. The biggest wealth transfer, further deteriorating the existence of the middle class, and expanding the wealth gap between the rich and poor was pass by both parties and signed into law this past month and further exasperated by the unchecked power of the Federal Reserve. Be sure to check out my Swing-Trading offering through Patreon that goes hand-in-hand with my podcast, offering all of the research, charts and technical analysis on the stock market and individual stocks, not to mention my personal watch-lists and regular updates on the most popular stocks, including FAANG stocks, Microsoft and Tesla. This is provided each and every week! Check it out now at: www.swingtradingthestockmarket.com