Debate This!

Ep. 109: Every Kill Begins with Kay



*Insert train whistle here* It's Spooktacular Express time y'all! Gear up for our month-long, Halloween-themed content adventure as we bored the train for a mythical mall in Colorado. We may not have an almost-zombie daughter, a goblin mask, or a bunch of NPCs to escort to the safe room, but we're still talking Dead Rising. It's time to slay some zombies because this week we're trying to make the best combo weapon with a video game item and a real world thing! (Keep scrolling for some Spooktacular Patreon Info)   Andrew is on the defensive this week. Kyle may not understand how carpet works. Todd seems like he might have picked up a jewelry sponsorship but don't worry, he has to tell us. Spooktacular Review-a-thon: Step 1: Review the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Podchaser, Goodpods, or anywhere else you can write reviews! Step 2: Take a screenshot of your review, post it to social media, and tag us @debatethiscast Step 3: We'll read your review in a spooky voice during the October ad breaks! If