Debate This!

FLAVOR TEXT: Completing Video Games



Picture this. You've dedicated hundreds of your limited hours of existence exclusively to The Legend of Zelda: The Breath of the Wild. You've cleaned out every one of the 120 shrines, you've maxed out your health and stamina, and you've found the most rare and powerful weapons. Moreover, you've explored every inch of the map and have literally overturned each and every stone in order to find all 900 Korok seeds--most of which didn't even provide material gain. But, you did it. You have done all of the things and have seen all the stuff. As you nab that 900th Korok seed, you breath a sigh of relief, saying quietly to yourself: "It's over." Triumphantly, you rush to the NPC character who originally set you off on this quest, wondering to yourself what kind of reward could possibly be in store? Maybe some super cool armor or overpowered weapon? Maybe an extra shrine or dungeon or something? You eagerly wait for the Korok's fun and silly dance to conclude, soberly aware this will be the last time you may ever see