Rebel Hearts With Kristie Reeves

Interview with Keith Anthony Blanchard on Transformation, Planetary Shifts and Watering the Plants instead of the Weed



This week on "Rebel Hearts": Kristie talks with Keith Anthony Blanchard, founder and host for "Center of Light Radio" whose listening audience now reaches 3 million. Keith is also the author of the bestselling book “The Divine Principle: Anchoring Heaven on Earth”  as well as “For the Love of God: A Spiritual Journey” and the children’s book series “Eden Sky Wonders Why”, named after his son. Keith has produced and co-produced two films: “Do What You Love” and “The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth.” As a spiritual teacher, Keith is remarkable in his naturally sincere love and acceptance of all people which is palpable to those who connect with him.   After a painful breakup, one morning Keith was literally being awakened by the voice of the Divine asking him to come out of his "human slumber". This experience started his journey of transformation and got him on the spiritual path. We talk about how often the voice of fear or doubt prevents people from stepping onto their true path, and Keith talks about how that