David Krut Projects

William Kentridge | On Techniques; Influences and Artworks



This podcast contains a number of audio snippets from a CD-ROM on William Kentridge published by David Krut in 1997.The first part (On Techniques & Processes) deals with how Kentridge generates his ideas through drawing and that the unexpected transformative value of drawing inspires his process. Through the process of drawing, he evokes meaning. Last, Kentridge discusses scale, light and space in regards to movement, mark making and "finding the drawing"The second part covers Kentridge's Work, Life & Influences. Kentridge talks about growing up in Johannesburg and his relationship with the landscape. His University years ignited his interest in different fields of activity such as politics, drawing, theater and film-making which is noticeable in the constructed dramatic scenes of his drawings. Willam Kentridge’s collaboration with the Handspring Puppet Company catapulted him into Theater and opera. Combining animation and Puppetry on live stage inspired his installation at the Havana Biennal in San