Csu Stories

Ep 6: Amy Targett, the impacts of humans and bushfires on animal populations



“Before I did this course I worked at the RSPCA in Canberra. A lot of the time I was the first person people would see when they brought in injured wildlife. So I became really interested in how to reduce human impact on wildlife.” Amy is a Bachelor of Environmental Science and Management student at Charles Sturt with a passion for animals and the environment. Amy shares her experiences working at the RSPCA and studying at Charles Sturt in Port Macquarie ….and her love for bats! Episode recorded: 17 March 2020 Host: Jess Mansour-Nahra, Charles Sturt Media Production: Adam Thompson, 2MCE Due to our many regional locations, Charles Sturt’s podcast recordings range from phone, to studio, to in-person recordings, leading to some natural variance in recording sound.