Core Education

LEARNZ Natural Hazards Alpine Fault AF8 Podcast 2 of 3



The following questions are answered: 1. We have watched animations of P waves and S waves and I was wondering what is the formula you use to measure the distance of an earthquake epicentre from a specific point? 2. With Scientists, Geologists and Seismologists: how do their jobs differ and how do they work together on earthquakes in New Zealand? 3. I have been to Franz Josef and I was wondering what would happen to the glacier when a large earthquake comes? 4. What depth have the earthquakes on the Alpine fault been and how have they affected the landscape at Franz Josef in the past? 5. Does the depth of the P and S waves and/or the depth of an earthquake affect the time it takes the shaking to reach a certain point? Please explain. 6. When you drill into the fault line, how far down do you go; what type of rocks are you looking for and what information do they give you? 7. As the tectonic plates rub together will they eventually break apart and wear down so that in the distant future we may not have earthqu