Alternate Take With Danny Mancera

#69 - Author - Charlie Westerman



Danny talks with the co-author of “A Twisted History of the United States” - Charlie Westerman, about his upbringing on the outskirts of Chicago, his experiences at The University of Indiana, how quickly he experienced indoctrination in college, the process of creating his first book alongside co-author Gary Richied, the ability to critically think, the history of public schools, the future of schools, B.S.C., Danny’s experience of COVID in California, people with ‘Alternate Takes’, how all success starts at home, religion’s place in current America, the feedback on the release of his book, and what’s next for Charlie Westerman. Follow us on Instagram & TikTok @alternatetakedr for updates on all of our new episodes and silly things we do. Also, check out our new work in progress YouTube Channel “Alternate Take” ! Link below.