Anne Ortelee Weekly Weather Astrology

Anne Ortelee October 9, 2022 Weekly Weather



The eclipses are coming!  The eclipses are coming!! A very crazy week ahead.  Cray-Cray indeed!!  We enter eclipse season on Sunday. The next 6 weeks feature powerful eclipses on the Nodes of Fate as other planets dance and sing wild songs in the heavesn.  Mercurys enters Libra and continues to clear his retrograde shadow.  Pluto turned direct on Saturday October 8, bringing us back to January 5, 2022. When he stations,we have five days of chaos, change and ahha moments this week. Pluto stations are transformative and intense! Any planet at 26 in your chart feels his reverberation.  Sunday October 9, there is a full moon in Aries/Libra taking you back to April 8, 2021. That full moon launches us into eclipse season where we release things and turn towards our fate. There is a huge configuration in the sky that unfolds over the week ~ A finger of god, a hammer of thor, a Mars Neptune square and a grand trine in air.  Watch early Libra for where the heavens are asking you to follow your heart path and encour