Anne Ortelee Weekly Weather Astrology

Anne Ortelee's October 2, 2022 Weekly Weather



A quiet week ahead (after the last few weeks of crazy).  Mercurys stations to turn direct October 2, after his retrograde since September 10.  Mercury trines stationing Pluto for the third time.  Pluto turns direct on Saturday October 8, bringing us back to January 5, 2022. Evolution takes place!  Pluto stations are transformative and intense so we feel his station for five days before and after. He's stopped at 26 Capricorn so any planet at 26 in your chart feels him. Sunday October 9, there is a full moon in Aries/Libra taking you back to April 8, 2021.  Vesta stations direct and wants to change your home, office, car or health. Ride with her!    Mercury is the boss of the sky! He's dotting the i's and crossing the t's.  Mars in Gemini is answering to instructions from Mercury. Mars is in Gemini for 8 month until the end of March 25, 2022. Two choices. Two options. Two of everything! Anne Ortelee, a nationally (NCGR-PAA Level 3, AMAFA, OPA) and internationally (ISAR) certified astrologer, presents her C