Manga Mavericks

Manga Mavericks EP. 14: Equal Rights for All Comics! (#EFAC)



Manga Mavericks might be a manga podcast, but that doesn't mean we don't enjoy comics from countries outside of japan! Be it manwha or bande dessinees, we believe that every comic in the world has the right to be loved (except for the really bad ones)! is one of the few comic sites out there that shares the love for comics made around the world in equal capacity. That's why we're called All-Comic! Can't get more inclusive than that! I think it's time to start a movement. Equal rights for all comics! #EFAC! Spread the world! Share the love! Read some comics! If you believe in that mission statement, then maybe you can help us out a bit. Now, I don't want to go all NPR on you guys, but the site's grown too big to be funded out of pocket, which is why we need readers like you to pitch in and help support the reviews and podcasts you want to read. Keep in mind no one on this site is actually getting paid. This is just site maintenance cost stuff. To keep the site afloat for another year, we'll need