Win Today With Christopher Cook: Your Roadmap To Wholeness

312: Yung Pueblo on Doing the Deep Work of Transformation



Joining me this week is Diego Perez, otherwise known by his pen name, yung pueblo. Diego says, "Healing does not erase the past, and the point of healing is not to forget what has happened." As you probably know, I totally agree. You guys, scars tell a story, and scars form after healing happens. But too many of us unknowingly live life through emblematic "open wounds" of the soul. We've done so for so long that we don't recognize the dysfunction and pain for what it really is. What's the path out? And how do we begin the process of transformation? That's where we're headed in today's featured conversation. If you enjoy this episode with Diego, I'm sure you'll also enjoy: 260: Self-Defeating Behavior, Living a Lie, and the Path to Inner Peace (feat. John Mark Comer) 279: Dismantling “Project Self” and How to Transform a Generation (feat. Jon Tyson) ++++++ Episode Links: Diego's Website | Instagram | Buy "Lighter," Diego's new book, on Amazon! Subscribe to #WinTodayShow on YouTube. Join the conversation whe