Radioactive Metal Podcast

Episode 719: Raisin’ Hell - ”Hellraiser” Watch Along



Heavy Metal has always had a strong connection and relationship to the wonderful world of Horror. The #1 topic of discussion amongst Horror conisseurs is the new "Hellraiser" adaptation on Hulu. It's already proving to be a divisive little flick. But what is certain is the impact that the Hellraiser franchise has had on the Metal world. The third installment "Hellraiser 3: Hell On Earth" produced not one but two versions of the theme song by two of the biggest names in our genre. So in honour of the new flick, we sat down with both the Motorhead and Ozzy versions in a "watch along" to compare and pick a fave. In our "News, Views and Tunes", we discuss the up coming Metallica/Raven tribute to Johnny and Marsha Zazula a.k.a Megaforce Records. Musically, we crank some new + used from Raven, Psycroptic, Mortician, Spellbook, Riot City, Ritual Dictates and introduce Upon Your Grave in our "Indie Spotlight". Horns Up and Stay Healthy! This Episode is sponsored by Trve Kvlt Coffee. Summon the coffee demons to posses