Bill Whittle

Liberals and the Sunk-Cost Fallacy: Why They Vote for People Who Can Get Them Robbed or Killed



With crime escalating rapidly in Democrat-controlled cities, why do voters continue to return these people to leadership and managerial roles? The sunk-cost fallacy may help to explain this dangerous and mystifying behavior. Bill Whittle and Alfonzo Rachel create two new episodes of The Virtue Signal each week, analyzing the culture and current events through the lens of classical thought and enduring principles. You may support this work in two ways... 1) Become a Member — for as little as $9.95/month — and unlock access to Backstage content, the Member blog, forums and comments where you'll meet like-minded people. Tap the big green button at to join. 2) Make a one-time or recurring donation with PayPal or credit card. Tap the big blue button at to give.