Whatever Is Lovely

10 Things I wish I Had Known Before Becoming My Own Boss



If God has placed the desire to start a business within you, then you know that it's definitely something you can't shake. Maybe you have been teetering with the idea of launching out into the deep, and starting a business of your own. Maybe you feel stuck in your cubicle, or at your desk because your creative desire is pushing you and propelling you into bigger and greater things. Do you spend lots of time daydreaming of what life will be when you can break free of your 9-5 and become your own boss? Is your Pinterest board full of ideas and inspiration that you can't wait to dive into, once you have the 'ok' from God to leave your corporate place of work? If any of these ring your creative bell, then I made this vlog just for you! I've learned so much on this wild ride and today, I am sharing with you '10 Things I wish I Had Known Before Becoming My Own Boss.'