Devops And Docker Talk

Slim and Secure Container Images with



Going to KubeCon? Me too! We're planning a meetup on my Discord server #kubecon channel.The Loot Box is Live! Get your DevOps and tech-inspired t-shirts, mugs, and more.Bret is joined by Martin Wimpress and Pieter van Noordennen from to discuss some ways to slim down your Docker images and reduce the attack surface of your containers in the process.Many companies and projects have tried to do similar things before - Slim Images, Alpine Images, Distro List, Build Packs, and even Docker tried a few years back, to create intelligence and guidance around migrating legacy apps into slim production quality images. Those efforts were scrapped in 2019. The dual mandate of generating Docker images - easy to understand and as minimal as possible, with the lowest CVE vulnerability count - was not achieved by any of those projects. Automation and intelligence like is the future of building container images and also the future of complex monoliths and legacy apps with a lot of dependencies.Streamed live on