Sales Reinvented

The Importance of Context in Storytelling per Lisa Dennis, Ep #320



Humans are hardwired for stories. We were fed stories as children. We can relate to them quickly. Because of this, stories are the best way to engage with the people you’re trying to get to. Many tools and approaches can help anyone learn how to tell stories. If you can do your homework and practice your stories, you can be a good storyteller. But the importance of telling stories in your buyer’s context cannot be underestimated. Learn more from Lissa Dennis in this episode of Sales Reinvented!  Outline of This Episode [1:04] Why storytelling is important in sales [1:40] Can everyone learn how to tell stories?  [2:15] The ingredients of a story that sells [2:50] The attributes of a great storyteller [3:44] Make your stories like TED Talks [4:35] Top storytelling dos and don’ts [6:53] The importance of context in sales storytelling The ingredients of a story that sells Good storytelling is about context. You need to answer four questions:  How will this story affect others? How does it affect the buyer?  Wh