Lyme Ninja Radio - Fight Lyme Disease Like A Ninja

#239: Morley Robbins - The Right Vitamin C Matters: Here's Why.



And in this episode you will learn three main things: 1)What cerruloplasmin is and how it helps your immune system. 2)What a certain kind of vitamin C called ascorbic acid does to disrupt your immune system 3)What role copper has in healing you body from inflammation Morley had been a hospital executive and consultant for 32 years until he developed a frozen shoulder which opened his eyes to the power of natural medicine, and set him on his path of becoming an expert in the interplay between magnesium, copper and iron metabolism. Through his Magnesium Advocacy Group (MAG), he is committed to educating as many people as possible about the importance of iron toxicity and how magnesium and copper help regulate the well-being of all.