Lyme Ninja Radio - Fight Lyme Disease Like A Ninja

#49: Lyme Expert - Dr. Donna Embree - Founder, BioEnergetic Resources



Dr. Donna Embree is the Director of the International College of BioEnergetic Medicine and President of BioEnergetic Resources. Her 20 years of clinical experience helped her create a system for creating sustainable results in healing chronic illness. Other practitioner became aware of her success in treating patients, and her role as a teacher and mentor to these people inspired her to create the International College of BioEnergetic Medicine, as well as a wide and diverse curriculum that provides education to naturopaths, chiropractors, medical doctors, and practitioners of oriental medicine. She has spent the past nine years as a consultant to health care providers, where she focuses on assisting them to provide individualized solutions for their patients in the context of the inherent design and wisdom of the human body.