Lyme Ninja Radio - Fight Lyme Disease Like A Ninja

#23: Lyme Expert - Stephen Leslie – Author, Healed From Chronic Lyme Disease My Journey



Like many who suffer from chronic lyme disease, Stephen Leslie had repeated doses of harsh antibiotics only to discover his condition was not improving, but was getting worse instead. A a result, he stepped away from western medicine to pursue alternative medicine and return to his roots of meditation and prayer. After many months of meditating and praying, he received a healing dream that pointed him in the direction of a treatment system— an herbal remedy combined with lifestyle and diet changes— that brought his Lyme disease under control. Two years later, all traces of his chronic lyme disease were gone. Stephen has published several books, speaks at lyme support groups, and advocates people taking charge of their lyme disease treatment. He believes it is possible to heal Lyme disease without the antibiotic regimes prescribed by Western medicine, and he encourages people to explore treatment options.