Lyme Ninja Radio - Fight Lyme Disease Like A Ninja

#18: Expert - Sara Ballantyne, Ph.D. - Paleo Mom



Sara Ballantyne, Ph.D. (a.k.a. The Paleo Mom) is the blogger behind the award-winning blog, The Paleo Mom. After her second daughter was born, Sara discovered the Paleo lifestyle. It had an amazing effect on her health, including contributing to her 120-pound weight loss! Over time, she healed herself of a long laundry list of physical complaints including: Irritable Bowel Syndrome, acid reflux, migraines, anxiety, asthma, allergies, psoriasis and an autoimmune skin condition called lichen planus. In fact, Sara was able to discontinue six prescription medications, some of which she has been taking for 12 years, within two weeks of changing her diet! Sara is passionate about scientific literacy and about distilling scientific concepts into straightforward and accessible explanations. As a scientist both by training and by nature, Sarah is deeply interested in understanding how the foods we eat interact with our gut barriers, immune systems, and hormones to influence health.