Podcast Talent Coach

Helping Ruth Snyder Find Time – Episode 411



Imagine what your business could look like if you spent less time editing and publishing and more time getting and serving clients. How could your business grow if you could invest your editing time into building your business and generating revenue? Let me show you how. CONVERTING CLIENTS Your production doesn't create clients. It's your content that converts listeners to clients. Spend your time on business drivers. Let me show you how. MYTH #1 – MICROPHONE Most gurus teach you about microphones. Nobody says, "That is such a great podcast – I love her microphone. You should listen." Nobody is sharing that podcast. Gary Vaynerchuk is one of the biggest influencers in the online space. Gary often records his podcast in the back of an Uber in between appointments. People come to your show because of you and your content. Don't spend a lot of time worrying about the tech. Spend your time properly preparing with a purpose and attracting clients. MYTH #2 – UMS Most experts want you to remove all the silence gaps