Angel Invest Boston

Tim Spong - VistaPath 2



Angel Scale Biotech: Learn More Founder Tim Spong is back to update us on how went from product discovery to real-life operations. Our first interview was part of my due diligence for this digital health investment that is now VC-backed. A really instructive and fun chat. Sponsored by Purdue University entrepreneurship and Peter Fasse, patent attorney at Fish and Richardson. Highlights: Sal Daher Introduces Tim Spong VistaPath: What is It? "... You're using machine vision AI to give superpowers to the lab technician and to make his or her work more efficient, and also much more reliable, and much more accountable..." "... What you're doing is massively, massively consequential. A mundane thing, but that could have huge consequences..." The Spouse as an Unofficial Co-Founder "... When I say that my dad, my family, taught me perseverance, I think that he didn't teach me computer vision, he didn't teach me AI, but he taught me the ability to get over those moments..." Learn More at T