The Tao Of Self Confidence With Sheena Yap Chan

853: The Visibility Mindset With Jessalin Lam



Jessalin Lam is the co-founder of Asians in Advertising, a non-profit focused on developing a community for Asians, providing opportunities and resources to elevate them to higher leadership positions, and creating recognition for AAPI representation. She is on the 3AF NextGen committee where she helped launch their 1st annual AAPI mentorship program in 2021. She is the co-author of The Visibility Mindset: How Asian American Leaders Create Opportunities and Push Past Barriers, an essential career guide aiming to help solve the career gap for AAPI and how allies can support.  She is currently the VP Member Development and Diversity at IAB. Previously, she was the Precision Marketing Academy Director on the Nissan United team at TBWA Worldwide leading a global employee training program across the agency and client. She graduated from Baruch College with a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in Marketing and Advertising. She was selected for the inaugural 2022 ADCOLOR Leaders, 2022 Asian Hustle Network To