Anne Ortelee Weekly Weather Astrology

Anne Ortelee's October 30, 2022 Weekly Weather



The eclipses are here!  The eclipses are here!! A very crazy week ahead as eclipse season unfolds.  The next 3 weeks feature powerful eclipses on the Nodes of Fate as other planets dance and sing wild songs in the heavens.  Sun, Venus and Mercury form three separate Hammers of Thor with retrograde Mars out of bound in Gemini and Neptune in Pisces as the business end of the hammer.  They will knock out whatever is preventing or blocking you from your dream.  Sun, Venus and Mercury also dive into the South Node of Fate and release, release, release. Your Leo, Taurus, Libra, Gemini and Virgo ruled houses all let something go.  Eclipses bring encounters with fate. Fated events happen this week.   .  Saturn is direct and moving forward, away from Uranus. The moment for changing your habits has arrived. For the past year and nine months, Uranus and Saturn's square has been urging you to change your life. Time to go for the dream. Think back to February 26 and his retrograde June 6 to see Saturn resume those sto