Latter Gay Stories

169: Carol Lynn Pearson | Loving My Gay Husband To Eternity



Carol Lynn Pearson is a Mormon icon. In the early 1960’s two monumental experiences happened in her life: she married Gerald, a gay man—and she published her first book. From that first publishing—and her relationship with her gay husband—Carol Lynn Pearson forged a path forward for Latter-day Saints to better understand the LGBTQ experience. Her life has been a lesson of love, compassion, understanding and advocacy. Escaping the gazing eyes of Utah Mormons, the Pearson’s left Salt Lake City and settled in California to allow their little family the opportunity to embrace the unknown and to grow in uncertainty. Through her best-selling book, “Goodbye, I Love You”, Carol Lynn allowed the world too peer into the Pearson family story. For the first time a well known Latter-day Saint family was openly talking about homosexuality, mixed orientation marriage, kindness, advocacy, harmful doctrine and more. In this episode Carol Lynn sits down with Kyle to dive deeper into that journey, discuss the impact it had on M