Resolution Foundation Podcasts

Unfair treatment: Assessing the scale of workplace discrimination, and efforts to stamp it out



Anti-discrimination laws have been with us since the 1960s, but despite this discrimination against workers based on protected characteristics such as race, gender and disability remains prevalent in many workplaces today. This can affect who gets which job, and means the world of work feels very different for different people.  And while there are routes to enforcing these laws – through state enforcement bodies and the courts – workers facing discrimination often find they are far from easy to pursue. How prevalent is discrimination in the workplace, both as a whole and against specific characteristics? To what extent does this align with people’s experiences of discrimination at work? How successful are individuals at taking action when they face discrimination? And what can be done to improve the enforcement of anti-discrimination laws? The Resolution Foundation is hosting an in-person and interactive webinar to debate and answer these questions, as part of an ongoing project on labour market enforcement