Diana Kander: Professional Af

How to Create a Fearless Organization with Amy Edmondson



The reason you need to know and understand Psychological Safety is that study after study has demonstrated that it is the highest predictor of team performance. Google conducted a 2 year study in which they analyzed over 150 different factors to understand what created successful teams and they found psychological safety to be the number one predictor of success. A Gallup study found that psychological safety can lead to 27% reduction in turnover, a 40% reduction in safety incidents, and a 12% increase in productivity.And here's the kicker. We need psychological safety today more than ever. The Project Management Institute reported that project success is at its lowest in years. They found that fewer major projects were completed on time and within budget in 2016 than in 2012. As they interviewed teams about the reasons for this decrease they heard a common theme: projects fail because teams don’t know how to communicate, organize, and prioritize.Look, I'll save you all the research and just share that invest