Angel Invest Boston

Casey Grage - Hubly Surgical



Angel Scale Biotech: Learn More Founder Casey Grage has a better device for drilling into human skulls. Hear how her personal story led to the founding of Hubly Surgical. A truly compelling narrative. Sponsored by Purdue University entrepreneurship and Peter Fasse, patent attorney at Fish and Richardson. Highlights: Sal Daher Introduces Casey Grage What Problem is Hubly Surgical Solving? How Casey Came to Hubly Testing the Drill Studies on the Hubly Drill Vs. Hand-Cranked Drill "... We want to know when we're going through the finance committees and hospitals, what kind of questions do they ask? What data do they need? Then we want to intimately know the users of our very first customers, and we want to be able to interview them after they use the drill..." Casey's Entrepreneurial Journey Casey's Entrepreneurial Inspiration Failure Builds Success Advice to the Audience Topics: biotech, discovering entrepreneurship, founding story