Anne Ortelee Weekly Weather Astrology

Anne Ortelee's November 20, 2022 Weekly Weather



The eclipses are leaving!!  The eclipses are leaving!! A New moon takes place Wednesday, ending a potent and power eclipse season.  A few more days of releasing leading to a new beginning with Sun, Moon, Mercury and Venus in Sagittarius.  I offer a New Moon ritual on my website and discuss the upcoming Moon and what it brings us over the next 2 1/2 years.  Jupiter stations to go direct 6 MINUTES after the New Moon in Sagittarius making it a very powerful, deep and profound new beginning.  This week, the huge grand trine in Water adds Sun and Moon in Fire to the Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces and Ceres and Lilith in Cancer OOB.  The grand trine in fire and water dumps into Pluto who forms a kite configuration.  Emotional energy taking on power fueled by Jupiter Stopped in the sky.  Stand back!     Mercury and Venus in Sagittarius form a hammer of Thor this week with Eris and OOB Pallas Athena.  New strategies emerge to knock things out of the park in home runs or line drives into the stands. The energy gets