Douglass Church - Douglass Blvd Christian Church

Getting Angry for the Right Reasons (Luke 18:9-14)



It should come as no surprise that Jesus sets this parable within the confines of the temple in Jerusalem, which kept you constantly aware of where everyone fits into the great cosmic org chart. There was a wall in the temple to separate the Gentiles from the Jews. A wall separating the women from the men and the priests from the *ordinary men. And there were walls separating the high priest from everyone else. Walls divide us by identifying who’s allowed in and who has to stand outside with the other riff-raff. But Jesus says that all the walls that decide for us who’s in and who’s out are the problem. They’re convenient, to be sure. But the real problem is the walls render people disposable without requiring us to look them in the eye and peer into the brokenness of their hearts to see the children God cr