Edmonton Journal

The Pipelines and Earplugs edition



The federal government approved the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion (again) this week, but Premier Jason Kenney was not jumping for joy. Join Press Gallery host Emma Graney and guests Keith Gerein, Janet French and Dave Breakenridge to talk about why. The team also takes a look at this week's passage of Bill 9 and why the government didn't want to hear about it (very literally), and a new immigration office announced by the UCP. Good Stuff from the Gallery Keith's pick: Keith's digging on another John Ivison column this week, this time on the Scheer climate plan giving voters expressions of concern with no actual cost. Janet's pick: This fascinating article on Toronto's Stronach family and their $500-million family feud. Emma's pick: Getting far away from Alberta politics, Emma recommends the YA novel Cinder by Marissa Meyer — a retelling of Cinderella featuring cyborgs, robots and a handsome prince. Dave's pick: This gob-smacking read in The Atlantic, What Really Happened to Malaysia’s Missing Airpl