Craig Peterson's Tech Talk

AS HEARD ON - The Jim Polito Show - WTAG 580 AM: Science driven by politics and the Imperial College Scam by Neil Ferguson



Welcome! Good morning, everybody. I was on with Jim Polito. We discussed the scam epidemiologist, Neil Ferguson, and Science is driven by Politics. So, here we go with Steve Fornier For more tech tips, news, and updates visit - ---  Automated Machine Generated Transcript: Craig Peterson: And the bottom line is this guy is anything but a scientist. And I don't know if you are not, Hey guys, everything has reset. Everything has changed. In fact, I've heard what we're in right now called the great reset. So there are some major advantages coming your way. And I talked about those with Jim Polito this morning on WTAG and WHYN. [00:00:27]Jim Polito: this is the guy everybody loves when they hear him coming on the show. Everybody loves now that they get to hear him throughout the day and during programs on the WTAG and WHYN with his tech tips. I'm talking about our good friend Craig Peterson, the tech talk guru. How are you, sir? [00:00:49]Good morning. I'm doing well this morning. [00:00:52] Look