Resolution Foundation Podcasts

Mortgaged millennials to bitterly cold boomers: Assessing the cost of living crisis across generations



Rising energy bills are with us and rising mortgage bills are on the way. While wages are falling far behind inflation, debates rage about whether benefits or the state pension should do the same. Older workers have not returned to the labour market post-Covid, while younger workers may suffer most from the unemployment rise the Bank of England now deems necessary. Britain is in the midst of a cost of living crisis that has many different components, with the result that its scale and nature varies across age groups depending on their jobs, assets and financial resilience. What economic state were different generations in before the cost of living crisis? How will different age groups experience the current crisis and its various components? To what extent has the Government’s response to the crisis redistributed the costs and benefits fairly across generations? And what policies could help to ensure that both old and young people enjoy a brighter economic future? The Resolution Foundation is hosting an in-pe