The Evan Brand Show

Why now is the worst time to be a Vegan/Vegetarian/Pescatarian ever with Dr. Paul Saladino



If you're currently not thriving, if you're one of the millions of people suffering from an autoimmune disease or mental illness then I am sorry to inform you, but WESTERN MEDICINE IS NOT COMING TO SAVE YOU. It may give you a pill or remove your gallbladder, but is it going to identify a choline deficiency, gut dysbiosis, or excess pesticides in your food? NO. Also, did you know that NOW is the worst time to be a vegan/vegetarian/pescatarian ever? These are the sort of fascinating things I discussed with Dr. Paul Saladino in this weeks podcast episode. If you're interested in trying out organs, you can order some from and use EVAN10 for a discount! I personally love the Beef Organs. You can also check out these free masterclasses for Better Belly at and for Better Energy. If you find all this information overwhelming and would instead like guidance in getting to the root cause of your symptoms, you can book a free call at to