Beautifully Organised With Marissa Roberts

3 Tips for easier shopping with kids



When the kids are little, shopping is tough - you’re already tired, you have to take a bunch of stuff with you (I do NOT miss nappy bags), and you have to manage everyone’s needs and emotions while trying to complete a simple task that used to take 30 minutes and now takes closer to 2 hours.  As they get older, shopping with kids gets a little easier physically, but you still have the emotional side to manage - kids don’t always want to come shopping with you, in-store fights and tantrums are never fun, and toilet requests always seem to happen when your trolley is full and the checkout line is long.  You’d think a stroll around Target would be lovely, but everyone wants to go in different directions and buy everything they see and fall in love with on the spot!  Shopping with kids is never going to be completely smooth (at least not in my experience), but there are a few little things you can do that make a big difference in how enjoyable the task is.  Here are my 3 favourite tips for eas