Douglass Church - Douglass Blvd Christian Church

But What If It’s Only a Dream? (Isaiah 65:17-25)



What if, for a world satisfied with things it already takes for granted—that white men should always occupy the top of the food chain and that a person’s money or power ought to be the measure of their worth—what if our job as God’s children is to unleash the poetry about a “new heaven and a new earth”—a place where preposterous, unthinkable things are possible? A place where there are no more cries of distress, where the work of our hands is not claimed by someone else for their profit, a place where children are blessed and protected, where the wolf poses no threat to the lamb, where people live without fear that those in power can come along and steal their security, or their dignity, or their bodies. Subscribe to us on iTunes! Sermon text: web | doc