Angel Invest Boston

Stephane Allard and Peter MacGuire - Killing Cancer Cells with Less Toxicity



Angel Scale Biotech: Learn More   Stephane Allard, MD and Peter MacGuire of Alissa Pharma explained the company’s promising approach to treating cancers like Hodgkin’s lymphoma or pancreatic cancer which over-express a certain protein on the surface of tumor cells. Alissa’s therapy targets this protein with antibodies linked to radioactive material that decays quickly. The result is destruction of tumor cells with reduced toxicity. A really compelling chat. Sponsored by Purdue University entrepreneurship and Peter Fasse, patent attorney at Fish and Richardson.   Highlights: Sal Daher Introduces Stephane Allard and Peter MacGuire What Alissa Pharma is Solving "... Then we can look at different indication because we already have preclinical data indicating that the product, the anti-ferritin combined with the radiotherapy could work in pancreatic cancer, in hepatic cancer, and in neuroblastoma..." How the Idea of the Product Came About "...What you've done is you have been able to create a more usable manufa