Red Jokers: A Faux Shaux

Episode 18: Spanish Canadian?



After something of an internet-blow-up hiatus, we're back with more of our special brand of Faux Shaux. This is Byron's premier episode, so we welcome him on and I'm sure you'll agree that he fits in right away! Nick and Jeremy are missing from this ep, but don't worry they'll be back soon. Also guest-featuring on this episode is the fabulous Ben from the awesome Kings of War Podcast, Direct Misfire. Enjoy the first (and possibly last) Red Joker's quiz, before leaping into a full box review of Perdita Ortega! Plus, we announce Netflix and Schill 2! Stay tuned on FB for updates and get signed up before it's too late. Australia's only major Malifaux Team Tournament? Yes please. All Canadian hit music on this episode: Neil Young - Old Man The Guess Who (ironically Canadian) - American Woman Arcade Fire - Funeral