Town Hall Ohio

An Ohio State Fair Preview



After a two-year hiatus, The great Ohio State Fair is back this week! The 167th edition of the fair will have everything that we are used to when it comes to walks through the barn, the iconic butter cow, some deep-fried food on a stick, concerts, music, Smokey Bear and so much more. It is a very busy time for fair manager Virgil Strickler and assistant manager Alicia Shoults, but they take some time to tell us everything we need to know before getting back to the giant slide, sky glide and foods we have never tried. 00:00 - Virgil Stricker, General Manager of the Ohio State Fair and Alicia Shoults, Assistant General Manager give all of the details of what to see and do when you visit the 167th Ohio State Fair, July 27th through August 7th. 23:50 - On this week’s “To the Beat of Agriculture”, hear from a man who left his career to work alongside his father-in-law on the farm. Learn how he became involved in Ohio Farm Bureau and the skills he acquired through Farm Bureau’s AgriPOWER program. 32:20 - When yo